Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anthroposophical Medicine


Anthroposophical Medicine involves an internationally organized group of people who think that Rudolf Steiner (an Austrian physician, 1861-1925) found the ultimate truth - the anthroposophy. Steiner said:
By anthroposophy, I mean a scientific investigation of the spiritual world which will bring to light the weaknessess and half-truths not only of science but also of modern mysticism. It is a method which, before attempting to investigate the spiritual worlds, first develops psychic powers not normally used in daily life or in current scientific research.
The Anthroposophic cult is managed from Dornach, Switzerland. They have private universities in, at least, Switzerland and Germany. The cult has tight rules and they are very effective in lobbying for favorable political decisions. A good example is the current Medicine Act in the European Union.

Anthroposophic medicines are officially acknowledged as medicines in the whole of Europe, although the cult itself is not known in all of the 15 countries. No proof of efficacy or safety is required. Anthroposophers often present themselves as proponents of freedom of choice in health care.
The medicines in anthroposophic medicine are chosen by means of meditation.... Homeopathic medicines, heavy metals, etc. are used "as in ancient times." The diagnosis of cancer, for instance, is based on "balance of forces in the blood" as determined by crystalization by copper chloride, etc. Clairrvoyance is the ultimate level of an anthroposopher.
In general the cult is closed and secretive, but Steiner and Waldorf schools teach the ideas of Steiner (law of Karma and reincarnation etc.) to school children. In many countries, anthroposophists have succeeded in getting an official status (and state's financial support) for their schools.
Biodynamic farming is also part of their activities. Stellar constellations, as in astrology, are taken into account when conducting farming activities such as planting and harvesting.
An extensive review of the German anthroposophic group was published in Der Spiegel in 1984 


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