Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Art Therapy


Art Therapy
Art TherapyArt has been used as a visual means of communication and expression dating back to prehistoric times. This is about realizing the healing potential of artistic self- expression, integrated their education in psychology and art. Through research-based training and practice and help of art therapists might be useful. Art therapy provides the client with an opportunity to achieve personal growth through improved self- awareness, and to explore unresolved emotional conflicts.
The field of art therapy has a long and colorful history. The brief excerpts found here, within the pages of the Art Therapy History WebBook, are meant to give glimpses into that history. By no means does it represent the enriched and vital discipline as it exist today nor does it encompass all the pioneers within the field of art therapy. But what is represented, is the pioneering spirit which began decades ago and continues to inspire modern art therapists as they add there own pages to this history.

Art speaks of originality, individuality, a creative process, graphic materials,
colors, textures, spontaneity, risk, alternatives, and imagination (Fleshman and Fryrear 75). Therapy implies taking care of, waiting, listening, healing, moving towards wholeness, growth provoking medicine, human exchange, sympathetic understanding (Fleshman and Fryrear 75).
According to the American Art Therapy Association, Inc.'s professional definition of Art Therapy, Art Therapy is a human service profession that utilizes art media, images, the creative art process and patient/client responses to the created products as reflections of an individual's development, abilities, personality, interests, concerns and conflicts. Art Therapy practice is based on knowledge of human development and psychological theories which are implemented in the full spectrum of models of assessment and treatment including educational, psychodynamic, cognitive, transpersonal and other therapeutic means of reconciling emotional conflicts, fostering self-awareness, developing social skills, managing behavior, solving problems, reducing anxiety, aiding reality orientation and increasing self-esteem .
A variety of artistic methods is used in Art Therapy and divided into different professional areas. Some artistic methods that are used are music therapy, dance therapy, psychodrama, movie therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy, phototherapy and poetry therapy.


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