Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crystal Therapy


Crystal Therapy
The energies from crystals (Lead Crystals, gems, stones, and minerals) react from our Aura of energy, energy in the area (office, home, and vehicle) and make the balance of energies. The most important of the many Fengshui and other enhancements to life that crystals perform is bringing each of us closer by removal of obstacles, so blockages are neither in use nor in environments.
The Tibetans and Chinese observed this and for the past 5000 years have been refining a system of Geomancy to assist us in feeling our lives. This System known as Fengshui also brings the wonderful energy present in the beauty of nature into our living environments.
Crystals have the ability to radiate healing energy travels and crystals help in balancing the same according to need of house and person.
Crystals can be used as pendulum, antenna for yes/no answer to problem also with practice.
Crystal's energies are the area with rainbow effects and so it is desirable to put some in windows or with lights.
(1) Crystals are used by hanging / placing in the room for energizing and for dispersing
negative energy.

(2) Crystals by hanging in window of N/E of the house or living room is overall
beneficial to family for Education & Knowledge. It is also advisable to place crystal
in N/E corner of room or even on study table of children which increases energy
level, concentration and alertness.

(3) Crystals in S/E helps in relationship and partnership. So for better relationship it is
advisable to place crystals in S/W of bedroom &living room with natural light or
with low voltage bulbs. Like this, we can put up in offices and chambers for good
relationship and undertaking between partners staff & boss.

(4) Placement of crystals in west of children room also helps in children education and
overall development.

(5) For missing area, we can place crystals and lamp in the area to increase and for
dispersing the energy.

(6) For toilets in unwanted place, we can place it between the toilet door and passage
area, and bedroom and toilet door. Crystals can be placed in N/E or S/W toilets to
neutralize the bad effects

(7) Crystals are also used instead of wind chimes in various areas to slowdown the
energy flow-

a: Whenever, we can see straight out from main door to window, we can use bugua shape (Eight direction shape) crystals.
b: Whenever, we see the front door opens straight towards the staircase, we can use crystals by hanging between main door and staircase.
c: If poison angle points into room from beams, overhead ducts, bulkheads, cupboards, columns which adds harshness. It can be also softened by placing crystals on them. (This is tested by Mr. Pankaj and others as I have not tested).
(8) Placement of crystals near the computer or above the computer, microwave oven, TV and other instruments helps in neutralizing the bad effect of Electromagnetic radiation.
(9) Hand in car near mirror also energies the vehicle & increases alertness and positive attitude.
(10) Crystals activate water in a manner similar to magnets placed on water bowl.
Type & Use of crystals:
1. Better use natural crystals in raw form i.e. stone, gitti, boulder etc.
2. As natural stones are not available everywhere, we are using lead crystal. Lead crystals are of various varieties can be used i.e. imported or local, good cut, zerricone (American Diamond) sarwoski, etc. At present, Lead crystals of good cut of chandeliers or sarwoski are in main use.
3. After Dr. Rene speech and discussions, we can also make useful crystals, gemstone kits with the help of a Rene Antenna and I am glad that Mr. Pankaj Agrawal has started in testing the same and to make research on the same for better environment, help in human health.
4. Crystals used by Fengshui Experts are Lead crystals, semi Precious Stones in raw form, Mineral deposit stones such as:

a) Pyratie (Silver Pyrite/ Ruby Pyrite) for North West & West.
b) Hematite (Black stone with red masses) Iron Oxide for North, Northwest & West.
c) Copper Stones
d) Quarter with titanium
e) Silver Ore
f) Copper Ore

But due to non-availability, good shape formation (artistic to keep in house/office) they are very costly.
Semi precious stones are also used such as Ruby for South West, Amethyst - North, Southwest, South, Emerald in East, Sapphire in Northeast, etc.
But, we can use Lead Crystals of any type anywhere and get more results as we use
Coloured ones as per directions.

Rose Quartz
1. Pink/ Ruby - Southwest
2. Pink/ Ruby - South, If missing corner or toilet
3. Green - Southeast, East
4. Green - South - If missing corner or toilet.
5. Blue - North
6. Orange/ Calcite - South, Northeast
7. White - Anywhere, we feel needed and B.S.
8. Beige - East, Southwest
9. Purple - Southwest

Semi Precious Stones
Since ancient times, stones have been believed to have psychic power. These exert a great influence upon all aspects of our lives. The stone are alive- entities pulsating, radiating, and vibrating at different rates. They create strong energy fields, which enable us to be charged with their energies; they activate our abilities, soothe and comfort, heal and balance through the purity and directness of their beams. They express through their facets our infinite variety of aspects.
Illumination is the key word for the stones
They illuminate the earth as stars do
They have light and shine, even when unpolished
They contain the seed of light, the point of light
The center of the cosmic sea.

The colors are rays of love. Each has its own particular vibration. By understanding the unique properties of each of seven rays we will be able to apply these same qualities to the stones. The study of colors is a preparation to using stones in a healing and spiritually transformative way. The stoned emits the magnetic power of the ray of light contained within. The aura is benefited and the whole being feels more harmonious. Let us review:
? Reds and oranges are stimulating and invigorating to the physical body;
? Yellows vitalize and accelerate mental activities;
? Greens are calming and soothing to the nervous system;
? Blue and indigo are inspirational, giving spiritual tone;
? Purples accelerate and sublimate all processes of body, mind and spirit.
Beauty aids, creams and cosmetics were made from a paste of stones. They were used to paint the eyes, mouth and face. Malachite, Egypt's favorite stone was used by the high priestesses as a cosmetic for their eyes and hair. Also the ruby was used to redden the mouth or face. The deep blue of the lapis was used on eyelids.

The beauty of precious stones is incomparable- which is why they are so prized in jewelry. Since the beginning of time on this planet, stones have been used to enhance and adorn the body, the clothes and the environment. In many cultures, the stone cutters (the lapidaries) were knowledgeable about the hidden and mystical properties of stones. Many were apothecaries, alchemists or high priests who used their powers to make jewelry to protect, to symbolize, to represent, to attract, to dispel or to heal. Unfortunately as the wise ancient ones were replaced by less knowledgeable people these secrets were forgotten or put aside. The stones kept their beauty, of course, but they stopped talking because we stopped listening. They lay dormant waiting to be reawakened to their true purpose and mission.

The high priests and priestesses of Egypt, who were usually also healers, wore many stones on their bodies, heads and hands, to charge themselves or to beam power at their patients. From Egypt comes this ancient poem:

My god thoth is of precious stones
He lights up the earth with his sparkle
The moon disc on his head is of read jasper
His phallus is of quartz-
Thoth I fear nothing
Since you became my strength.

Precious stones and gems of great beauty are used in the crowns of kings, queens, and religious leaders for the same purpose of charging them as a battery. These leaders were believed to be symbols of divinity on earth. The Tibetan Buddhist believes in five sacred stones: the crystal for light: the turquoise for infinity of sea and sky; the coral for life and form; gold for the golden ray of the sun; and silver for the light of the moon. Amber and the carnelian are often used in their jewelry or charm boxes. The American Indian also has great reverence for these stones. The turquoise is worn for protection and is believed to hold the atmosphere of the world. The coral is worn for life and blood force. It is amazing to me that these two cultures (the Tibetan and the American Indian), which are located so far from each other have so many of the same customs. They both respect and love the earth. They are connected to the magic and power of everything that is alive, knowing that everything has soul and a vibration. They believe and trust that the elements in nature are our ancestors, and that they should be consulted for advice.
The records of the early Christian writers reveal a belief that the stones in the breastplate of the high priest were so highly magnetized by their respective planetary rulers that the stones were capable of responding to questions in flashing color language.
During the reign of Charlemagne, there was great mystical movement in existence. Those connected with it saw the light of the stones as symbol of spirit in matter. Charlemagne's crown was covered with precious stones so that his crown chakra would receive energy and is charged with the power of the stones. As a king he was believed to represent God on earth. Another example of the mysticism with stones is St. Stephan's rosaries. This purse, or box, is completely covered with gems. It contains earth mixed with the blood of this martyr-saint who was stoned to death.
The Hermetic brotherhood observed strict rules relating to the use of precious stones. Table 3 shows the days and their corresponding planetary affinities. Like the Hermetic brotherhood, you may wish to work with certain stones on certain days. You may also be drawn to a stone that represent the day of the week on which you were born.
Table 3 Correlations of Gems to the Days of the Week
Day Planetary Ruler Gem

Sunday Sun Gold and yellow gems (amber, gold topaz)
Monday Moon All white stones (pearls, moonstones)
Tuesday Mars All red stones (rubies, garnets, etc.)
Wednesday Mercury All blue stones (turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli)
Thursday Jupiter All purple stones (amethysts)
Friday Venus All green stones (emeralds, malachite)
Saturday Saturn All black and white stones (diamonds, smoky quartz, etc)
The more precious stones you wear, the more strongly you will be charged with cosmic forces, which radiate out into your surroundings.
Sometimes the stones draw disease, pain and misfortune out of the etheric body of the person who wears them. Ruby and Coral fade when people have anemia. Other stones, such as turquoise, lose or change color when the wearer is not well (either physically or psychically). Sometimes other stones give their power to their wearer- such as topaz, emerald, and diamond. Some stones have vibrational frequencies, which can inspire spiritual awakenings, or which help us become more responsive to the concept - such as the amethyst or the indigo sapphire.
Wear your stones. Don’t shut them away in a safe or jewelry box. Don’t deprive your soul and your body of this tremendous power that has been bestowed upon us.
If you wear rings, please make sure that stones are set directly on skin, as they give you more power that way.
People often ask me about the value of the difference between cut and polished stones, and stones in their raw state. Some serve well both ways- cut or uncut. However, some need to be cut and polished to bring out their functions. The garnet truly serves when it is cut, polished and sometimes glazed. Contrary to this, the amethyst serves best in its raw crystal forms. There are no rules; one needs to be with the stone, and to experience the stones, in order to really understand it. Polishing is an art. The artisan must be an artist in order to bring out the most light and beauty from the faceted of the stone. The diamond is proof of the sensitivity required in faceting a stone.
When you purchase a stone, try not to worry too much about its cost. It is better to spend money to prevent sickness, or to align and balance yourself than to spend it on medications and doctor bills once you become ill! You can also achieve great benefits from semi-precious stones, which are not as costly as rare gems. However, we need to realize that precious stones, such as rubies emeralds, and sapphires, have particular magical properties.
The following alternative stones, which are sold in mineral shops, are all capable of bestowing the qualities and properties of the ray needed. Examples are:
Crystal quartz can replace diamonds
Garnets can replace rubies
Lapis lazuli or sodalite can replace blue sapphires
Turquoise or chrysocolla can replace aquamarine
Citron can replace topaz
Carnelian can replace topaz
Carnelian can replace the fire opal
Rhodochroite can replace rubellite (the pink tourmaline)
Malachite or chrusoparse can replace emeralds
Azurite can replace the indigo sapphire

It is a known fact that daylight is necessary for stimulating the Endocrine System properly. Color is indeed a form of energy, and each color has vitamins--- red foods, such as beets are high in Vitamin B, while yellow-green foods are rich in Vitamin C. Colors have the power to heal pathology, affect psychology and predispose people to perform brilliantly. Color and Gem therapy is highly effective and is being used the world over for cure of diverse and chronic illness. It is drugless, holistic and without side effects.
Discover the Pyramids
The beneficial effects of the Pyramid are directed towards the body’s astral sphere, thus connecting the disharmony between the mind and spirit levels. This secret of the Pyramids -- their great healing power-- is being revealed only recently
The Pyramids. Those magnificent and massive stone structures that have been looking down upon man for the last 5000 years. Mysterious, enigmatic and awe-inspiring. There have been diligent efforts to rise open their secrets; there have been adventures who set out for Egypt to steal the wealth of gold and other valuables tucked away in their chambers; and there have also been genuine scholars who were fascinated by the Pyramids and went the whole hog to unlock their secrets.
They believed that the Pyramids held not one but many secrets in their portals. The stunning accuracy of the measurements of the angles and sides of the pyramids forced them to conclude that they were built for some complicated calculations, such as those for measuring the circumference of the earth, predicting the eclipse, or forecasting floods in the Nile. Only the priests knew these secrets. But one of the greatest secrets of the Pyramids --their great HEALING POWER-- is being revealed only recently.
The efficacy of the pyramid models to heal the patients whose maladies have been cured and their physical and mental well-being re-established.

Types of Pyramid Yantra
Many types of Pyramid Yantra are available in the market, there are also some with specific purpose like one for energizing bed in 'Vastu Sleep', 'PyraCap' for meditation, 'Protect 9 x 9 for door and 'PyraCap' as a pocket tool for all round progress. Also one of the popular and multi-purpose Pyramid Yantra is 'Multier 9 x 9'.
Installation of Pyramid Yantra
Installation is very simple. For land, dig a pit 1 ft. deep and of appropriate size (keep 1 ft. between two pyramids). Personal programming to all the pyramid yantra is must. Set all pyramids in magnetic axis and fill the pit. For fixing on wall use double adhesive tape. Take care that bottom must stick with wall or ceiling. Base line of 'Multier 9 x 9' must be parallel to the wall.
Pyramid Yantra are available with all-leading Vastu experts, Reiki masters, holistic healers and promoters of new age energy products.


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