Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience


Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience
Magnetic TherapyAt least one manufacturer of magnetic pads (Magnaflex/BioflexTM) asserts that the effect of charge separation can be increased by alternating north and south magnetic poles. Alternating magnetic poles are most commonly seen in refrigerator magnets. By alternating the magnetic poles, an increased magnetic gradient is created, which increases the ability of the magnets to stick to the refrigerator. Paradoxically, alternating poles decrease the magnetic field strength of the magnet because the fields tend to cancel each other out as they extend from the magnet. Thus, while alternating poles would exert opposite forces on ions flowing through thes magnetic field, the decrease in magnetic field strength would lessen any potential influence of the magnetic field on the target ions. Nor does there appear to be any consensus in the industry as to the ideal design for the pads. In fact, a competing manufacturer asserts that, "Leading scientists agree that unipolar magnets are superior to bi-polar,"35 although neither the scientists nor the supporting research are identified.
Further proprietary design information regarding at least one commercial source of magnetic pads (BioflexTM pads) would also appear to be irrelevant regarding biologic effects. Promotional information for the pads indicates that the "concentric circle" arrangement of the pads increases the likelihood that the magnetic field would be applied perpendicular to flowing blood, thereby maximizing the Hall effects. In fact, because blood vessels run randomly throughout the three dimensions of any tissue, there can be no "preferred" arrangement of the magnetic field that would favor its perpendicular orientation to the flow of blood.
Studies on Static Magnetic Fields and Blood Flow

A number of studies have investigated the effects of static magnetic fields on blood flow. Studies commissioned by the makers of one type of magnetic pad showed that exposure of a highly concentrated saline solution in a glass capillary tube increased the flow of the solution. This study has been often cited by manufacturers of static magnetic devices as evidence that magnetic field therapy can potentially affect the circulation of blood. Although the mechanism for the increase in saline flow is not apparent, it certainly could not have been related to any dilatory effect on the walls of the glass capillary tube. The investigator who performed the study concluded that the results of the experiments performed using highly concentrated saline in a glass tube should not be extrapolated to effects that would be expected with flowing blood.36
A second study evaluated the effects of the pads in the distal limbs of horses using nuclear scintigraphy, a technique that is useful in identifying areas of blood vessel dilation and inflammation. That study concluded that, "Scintigraphy was performed in the vascular, soft tissue, and bone phase using a cross over trial to demonstrate increased blood flow and metabolic activity as a result of the local application of a permanent magnetic pad on the equine metacarpus. A highly significant increase was evident in the three phases."37 The results of this study have been used repeatedly to suggest that magnetic pads promote blood circulation to the areas under the pads.
This study, which is apparently the only one to state that a static magnetic field affects blood circulation, is open to criticism. The experimental model, which compared the results of scans on one "treated" limb vs. the non-treated limb is inherently inaccurate, as one forelimb cannot be used as a control for the other in scintigraphic studies (each limb should be used as its own control). Furthermore, the design of the study was flawed, as a bandage and magnetic pad were applied to one limb while a bandage only was applied to the other. A more appropriate control would have been a bandage and a demagnetized pad. The radioisotope chosen for the study was not appropriate to determine blood circulation accurately. Finally, the study measured absolute scintigraphic counts, when the use of relative perfusion ratios would have been more appropriate.38
Numerous other studies have failed to show any effect of magnetic fields on blood circulation. For instance, no effect of dental magnets on the circulation of blood in the cheek could be demonstrated.39 Scintigraphic evaluation of blood flow in mice exposed to two strengths of pulsating electromagnetic field force failed to demonstrate any circulatory effects.40 A study on the circulatory effects of a magnetic foil was unable to show any effect in the skin of human forearms41 and application of a magnetic foil to healing wounds in rats showed no significant effects.42 A study in horses showed that application of a magnetic pad over the tendon region for 24 hours showed no evidence of temperature increase in treated limbs vs. placebo controlled limbs, using thermographic measurements as an indirect assessment of blood circulation to the area.43
As a more practical matter, if a magnet caused local increases in circulation, one would expect the area under the magnet to feel warm or become red as a result. Such an effect is not reported when magnets are held in the hand. Furthermore, one would expect any circulatory effects produced by very weak magnetic fields to be magnified in stronger magnetic fields. However, no circulatory effects have ever been reported in magnetic resonance imaging machines, in which the magnetic forces generated are two to four orders of magnitude greater than those produced by therapeutic magnetic pads. In studies of humans exposed to magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla (10,000 Gauss) there was no evidence of alterations in local blood flow at the skin of the thumb or at the forearm.44 Even a 10 Tesla magnetic field is predicted to change the vascular pressure in a model of human vasculature by less than 0.2%, and experimental results of the effects of strong magnetic fields on concentrated saline solutions are in general agreement with these predictions.45
Based on the available scientific data, one must conclude that if there is an effect of static magnetic fields on blood circulation, there is no known biological mechanism by which that effect is generated. One may also postulate that the boots, blankets, and bandages in which the magnets are sewn have some sort of a thermal effect that is independent of the magnetic field (and could be duplicated with any form of bandaging).
Magnetic Fields and Pain Relief
Both static and pulsating electromagnetic field therapy have also been promoted as being beneficial for the relief of pain. As with other proposed effects, there is no known mechanism of action by which application of a magnetic field produces biological effects. If they are effective in the relief of pain, it is unlikely that the effect is related to a reduction in nerve conductivity; the field required to produce a 10% reduction in nerve conductivity is roughly 24 Tesla.46
Studies evaluating the effects of pulsating electromagnetic fields in the relief of pain have shown conflicting results. Pulsating electromagnetic field therapy has reportedly provided pain relief in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the human knee and cervical spine,47,48 in the treatment of persistent neck pain,49 and in the treatment of women with chronic refractory pelvic pain.50 However, electromagnetic therapy showed no benefit in the relief of pain due to shoulder arthritis51, and a 1994 summary of published trials of non-medicinal and noninvasive therapies for hip and knee osteoarthritis concluded that there were insufficient data available to draw any conclusions on the efficacy of the therapy.52 Paradoxically, another study in humans showed that magnetic treatment actually induced hyperalgesia in a tooth pain model.53
Pads that apply a static magnetic field are also promoted as having pain-relieving effects. Poorly controlled studies from the Japanese literature suggest that static magnetic devices were highly effective in alleviating subjective symptoms such as neck, shoulder, and other muscular pain.54,55 One controlled, double-blind pilot study suggested that magnetic pads were effective in the relief of myofascial or arthritic-like pain in postpolio syndrome,56 although every patient in the study, whether being treated with a placebo or a magnet, showed relief from pain. However, other studies have concluded that a magnetic foil offered no advantage over plain insoles in the treatment of pain of the human heel57 and that a magnetic necklace had no effect on neck and shoulder pain.58 It has also been suggested that there is a strong placebo effect at work in the perception of pain relief offered by static Magnetic devices.59
Clinical Use of Magnetic Fields in Veterinary Medicine
Magnetic and electromagnetic devices appear not to be used on small animals. However, the devices are widely advertised in magazines targeted at horse owners. Pulsating electromagnetic field therapy is typically applied to horses with boots or blankets. Some of the variables of the magnetic field generated (such as the amplitude and frequency of the signal) can be controlled using this form of magnetic therapy. However, changes in these variables appear to affect different tissues in different ways, and those ways are not well defined, making selection of ideal field strength of the therapy problematic.
The other way to apply a magnetic field to a horse is by attaching a magnetic pad. This form of therapy generates a continuous, static magnetic influence on the targeted tissue; however, the magnetic field cannot be modulated. The principle advantage of this form of magnetic therapy is that it is relatively inexpensive (compared to the cost of the machines) and easy to apply; the disadvantage is that as yet there is no scientific evidence of an effect.
The absence of a plausible scientific theory for a mechanism of action should never override reliable strong clinical evidence of an effect. For example, the mechanism of aspirin was not known for many years, although the drug was clinically effective. However, there appear to be no published scientific studies available that demonstrate that any form of magnetic field therapy is valuable in the treatment of disease conditions of the horse.
Daily electromagnetic therapy did increase the concentration of blood vessels in surgically created defects of equine superficial digital flexor tendon, but the maturation of the repair tissue and the transformation of collagen type (two essential components in the healing process of tendon) actually were delayed by the treatment in tendon samples collected at 8 to 12 weeks after surgery.60 No benefit could be demonstrated in the healing of freshly created bone injuries treated with pulsating electromagnetic field therapy when compared to untreated control limbs, 61 although another study did suggest an increase in bone activity under pulsating electromagnetic field treatment when holes were drilled in horse cannon bones.62 Topical treatment with a pulsed electromagnetic field showed little effect on metabolism of normal horse bone in another study.63 Unfortunately, the principle application of pulsating electromagnetic field therapy in people, for delayed and non-union fractures, is of little apparent use in horses.
Magnetic Therapy and Pseudoscience
In spite of hundreds of years of investigation, there still appears to be no place for magnetic therapy in scientific medicine. While legitimate investigations are taking place, many aspects of magnetic therapy carry hallmarks of pseudoscience. For example:
 Vague, unsupported claims of effectiveness. One device advertises that "leading scientists agree that unipolar magnets are superior to bipolar." The "leading scientists" are not identified. The company also claims to have "tens of thousands of very satisfied users."

 Misuse of defined scientific terminology. The discovery of a "unipolar" magnet (see above) or magnetic monopole would lead its discoverer to an almost immediate Nobel prize, as magnetic monopoles have not been shown to exist. One company advertises its "Tectonic" magnets (tectonics is a geologic term referring to the study of the earth's structural features.)

 Mischaracterization of medicine. One company warns about the side effects of taking "too many pills" and states that, "Using magnets means you are not putting anything into your stomach that might cause upset or damage." Another company describes their magnets as "natural as nature" and "wholistic" [sic]. While magnets may not have any side effects, they may not have any effects, either.

 Inaccurate claims. One company states that studies at various universities have "proven" that static magnets increase blood flow. This appears to be contrary to fact.

 Predicted phenomena remain slippery. As experimental and theoretical work progresses, more and more sound evidence for the related phenomena should appear.64 So far, such evidence remains elusive in the field of magnetic therapy.

 No deepening evidence. In spite of hundreds of years of experience and investigation, the "state of the art" in magnetic therapy appears to have increased little since the days of Franz Mesmer.

Whenever an injury to tissue occurs, the goal of any medical therapy is to help allow healing of that injury so that, to the extent that it can be done, the injured tissue is returned to full normal function as quickly as possible. The quality of tissue repair and the speed with which that repair can be accomplished are the two major variables in the healing of any injury. Any medical therapy that could be demonstrated to affect either variable (or better yet, both of them) would be extremely valuable to the medical field.
However, assessing whether or not a particular medical therapy is effective in those regards is somewhat problematic. The old adage, "Time heals all wounds," is largely true. Many diseases are self-limiting and the body is able to heal itself with no intervention whatsoever. For example, according to one source, approximately 70 per cent of all acute infectious disease conditions of the horse are adequately dealt with by the host's defenses.65 That suggests that whichever method of treatment is selected, 7 out of 10 times, the problem will get better. If healing occurs while a device touted to promote healing is applied to an injured or infected area, that device often receives the credit.
Explanations that magnetic fields "increase circulation," "reduce inflammation," or "speed recovery from injuries" are simplistic and are not supported by the weight of experimental evidence. The effects of magnetic fields on body tissues are complex and appear to vary from tissue to tissue and from different intensities and duration of the magnetic field applied. The nature of the magnetic devices make them amenable to randomized, controlled, double-blind studies that are, for the most part, lacking. Although the therapies appear to be harmless, that does not also mean that they are useful.

The EMF Balancing Technique

Just as the physical body is an intricate collection of systems like the vascular system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the lymphatic system etc., which although separate and specific in their function, are never the less connected in some way and are all complementary, so too is the energy body a collection of energy systems. Most of us are familiar with at least one of the two better known energy systems that traditional healers have worked with for centuries - the meridians and the chakras.
What is the Universal Calibration Lattice?
The UCL is another such single energy system in the energy body. It extends from the central core of the human body to an area approximately two feet around the body in an oval shape. Like all the other systems of the physical and energy bodies it is highly complex, but basically consists of columns of light and energy front, back and centre, all interconnected through the chakra system but not as part of it, by more fibres of light and energy in the shape of figure eight loops.

Where did this information come from?
The UCL energy system information started being channelled to Peggy Phoenix Dubro, an American, in 1988, by an entity that she would later realise was part of the Kryon entourage.

What is EMF ?
EMF is an abbreviation of electromagnetic field; this is the energy field that surrounds all living things. It can be seen under certain conditions and even photographed, it can be felt and it can be measured.

What is The EMF Balancing Technique?
The EMF Balancing Technique is a healing technique that was developed by Peggy and her light partner, Ahnya. The EMF Balancing Technique clears, mends and increases the light fibres throughout the UCL, enabling a more accurate and efficient flow of information throughout the entire being. This results in increased energy sensitivity and awareness of self, and increased confidence, leading to accelerated personal growth as one becomes increasingly more aware of the limitlessness of self and begins to accept the wisdom, energy and power that one is, and is plugged into. As one begins to accept this connection that we all have to the Universal Energy Source one can begin to understand and accept and allow it to rise in one's self - unconditional love, because that is what Universal energy is.

With each EMF session one's energy field becomes clearer, cleaner and stronger and therefore able to carry more and more energy or information, making our energy to matter ratio higher and higher and so we become more "enlightened".
How does The EMF Balancing Technique work?
The UCL around each persons body is unique to that person. His or her calibration or vibrational frequency is determined by the energy that is able to pass between the Cosmic Lattice and this UCL - Peggy says that the UCL is like an electrical transformer transferring energy from one circuit to another. An EMF Balancing session is like being re-wired by an electrician - old wires are replaced with new, modern, more efficient ones and extra wires are added to carry a more powerful energy load - "rewiring for the new energy". The Cosmic Lattice has been "upgraded and rewired" in order to make more energy and information available to us and so our energy system has to be "upgraded and rewired" so that we are able to receive and hold more energy and information.

Unlike other energy systems and healing techniques the UCL and the EMF Balancing Technique focus less on healing as such and more on the enormous potential for personal and spiritual growth that is now available to us. This usually automatically leads to eventual physical healing and sometimes even spontaneous healing, but this is not the primary goal, just a wonderful bonus.
The movements of the EMF Balancing Technique are graceful and easy to learn; the energy is self regulating and self directing. You simply follow the patterns, working with different parts of the lattice in each of the four phases. This facilitates the connection to the cosmic Lattice, and in this exchange the real work is done.
Here is what Physicist and EMF Teacher David Lapierre has to say about the Physics of EMF
What we are beginning to understand about this new energy anatomy is that we are working with more than just "general" electromagnetic fields.
We are affecting very specific electromagnetic "orbital" patterns. What may prove very interesting is that these "orbital" ring patterns are what define the polarity characteristics of the biology. Aligning the orbital rings will impact on normalizing the body's own electromagnetic system that responds as visible polarity patterning.
The Universal Calibration Lattice is integrated to this energy system of orbital rings. We affect the characteristics and alignment of the (UC)Lattice by the Human to Human interaction. The (UC)Lattice responds through a process we define as "resonant tuning". When the Practitioner presents their hands to the client an extraordinary amount of vibrational information is made available to the UCL and associated energy systems. Vibrational information can be considered as patterning instructions to the resonant structures.
The UCL responds to the field effects of the hands whether the hands are moving or stationary. These "Fields" can, and are modified by conscious intent. The actual geometric and electromagnetic dimensions of the UCL are altered until "resonance" occurs in the structure. The adjustments necessary for resonance are unique for each individual.
Tuning is self-regulating for everyone. Everyone has within them the perfection within the fields to assist this process in affecting another Human being. This is our gift.
When the individual underlying substructures of the UCL i.e. the templates, are tuned, they become activated. In a sense we can say that we evolve into an energy system of enhanced capability. The energy anatomy becomes a coherent integrated system. The underlying biology is affected. Moreover the "tuned UCL" now offers a greater facility of "resonating" with outside energies and information, namely those of the Earth and the Cosmic Lattice.
When the Practitioner presents their "hands" to the client, an extraordinary amount of vibrational information is made available to the UCL and associated energy systems. Vibrational information can be considered as patterning instructions to the resonant structures.
The whole process of "balancing" is one of becoming integrated within your whole energy being. With the internal architecture in alignment through your personal interface (UCL), you can connect more efficiently to the Earth energy and information system, as well as to that of the Cosmic Lattice. Our own energy systems are plugged into these. As a most significant consequence you can then access and tap into your tools of empowerment, self-enablement, and co-creation. You unfold into your higher potential self.


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