Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Martial Arts


Martial Arts
Martial ArtsJeet Kune Do Concepts
(The fighting art of the legendary Bruce Lee)
Bruce Lee revolutionized the way martial arts was trained by seeking out that which was functional at a time where almost all martial artists and instructors were practicing techniques that were never truly attempted under real life situations. The result of his study and practice is Jeet Kune Do, which can be translated to mean "the way of the intercepting fist."Jeet Kune Do is a non-competitive martial art, that is practiced for competence and realism in high-pressure situations. The aim of JKD is to be able to be proficient in all ranges, with or without weapons, against one or multiple opponents, in a variety of environments. To do so it draws from a variety of styles by absorbing what is useful and rejecting what is useless.
The Jeet Kune Do Concept is a total concept of self-improvement. The idea is for the individual to take responsibility and develop himself/herself towards their unlimited potential. By training in the martial arts, we have a guideline for training in any other area of our life, from business to relationships. The concepts learned in your training should be transposed into your whole life experience.
The goal of Jeet Kune Do is to develop complete martial artists. A complete martial artist is one who strives to become a great person, a great fighter, a great technician and a great teacher.

Some guidelines for the JKD practitioner:
 Always look for the truth!
 The highest aspiration is to develop love, compassion and humility toward all beings.
 We can all change and improve
 We can't fail unless we quit striving toward our goal. You are the only one who can say 'I quit'
 We must always have a positive attitude and expect the best outcome from any situation.
 Always optimistic and thankful.
 No limits; using no way as way, having no limitations as limitation.
 The individual is more important than any style. This develops self-empowering attitude.
 We must keep our ego in check. What we know about ourselves is more important than what someone else may think or say about us.
The secret to proficiency is consistent, correct practice over a long period of time.
We must be polite and friendly to all people from a position of strength until we are forced to act.
Our martial goal is to be functional in each range of combat, with or without weapons, against one or more armed or unarmed assailants, in a variety of environments.
 "Jeet Kune Do training and discipline toward the ultimate reality in combat.



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