Wednesday, February 23, 2011



ReflexologyReflexology is a form of ancient Chinese and Egyptian healing centred around the massage of reflex areas in the feet and lower leg. Each part of the foot corresponds to a part of the body with the left foot representing the left side of the body and the right foot representing the right side. Half way down each foot, a line can be drawn which corresponds to the waist line of the body. The organs in the upper part of the body have their reflex areas in the upper part of the foot, and those in the lower part of the body have their reflex areas in the lower part of the foot.
Although reflexology is an ancient therapy, it was not until the beginning of the century that it became known to the Western world. An American doctor, William Fitzgerald, became interested in the possibility of treating organs through pressure points distant from the actual organs themselves, and described how the body could be divided into ten vertical zones. Thus if the right kidney is located in a certain zone in the body, its reflex point would be found in the same zone on the right foot. From this point, treatment can be applied.
Recent surveys carried out along scientific lines reveal that reflexology has helped a wide number of people with conditions such as stress, backpain, migraines, period-related problems and many other symptoms. Examples of specific illnesses being aided by reflexology are diabetes, sciatica, angina and multiple sclerosis.

A one off treatment can be of significant help, although a number of treatments within a short space of time would be ideal - it is then that the real results happen.

FACIAL REJUVENATION is an excellent treatment to reduce the army of wrinkles, the perpetual frown and the dreaded bags under the eyes. It also tightens the skin and the slackening jaw line.
The connective tissues of the skin itself are made up of cells which secrete collagen fibres. These weave together to form a net-like structure. Facial rejuvenation works by releasing the stuck tissues gently helping the connective tissue to regain its freedom and elasticity releasing tension in over 90 muscles.
An added benefit is that the therapy leaves you feeling happier, relaxed and stress-free.
The treatment takes 1 hour and a series of 8 to 10 are recommended for maximum benefit.
Look Years Younger, Become More Relaxed and Feel Full of Vitality!
What is Rejuvanessence ?
Rejuvanessence is a fingertip face-lift which gives you a more youthful and healthy appearance.

How does Rejuvanessence work ?
Rejuvanessence releases tension in the 91 muscles of the face, neck, skull and shoulders. It also works on the connective tissue to make it more elastic and flexible and enables the skin to gain back the radiance of youthfulness.

Skin has two layers, the epidermis and the dermis. Stress and tension cause these layers to tighten around the blood vessels and lymph glands. This means that the flow of the nutrients and the oxygen is depleted and the waste products build up in the cells causing a lack-lustre complexion. Tense muscles have bad circulation which blocks energy paths causing tension, pain and discomfort. The face becomes drawn and tight, ageing sets in and lines begin to form.
Rejuvanessence lifts up your face by gently helping to release the tightened tissues. Skin regains its flexibility and your face looks open and relaxed, smoother, younger and happier. As the course of treatments progresses and the therapist works on the deeper layers of the muscles, lines and wrinkles begin to lessen and the skin tone is firmed and improved.
Rejuvanessence also works on the acupressure points and meridians to release this blocked energy thus relieving headache, jaw, neck and shoulder pain. The energy in the body is balanced, the nervous system fine-tuned and harmony of mind, body and soul is restored.
What happens during a Rejuvanessence treatment ?
A course of Rejuvanessence treatment comprises of six sessions of one hour, each working on different groups of connective tissues and muscles. It is a gentle, pleasant, safe and loving treatment that brings positive results.

As well as looking younger, clients often say that they have a real sense of well being. In fact, they feel invigorated, rejuvenated and ready to face any challenge!
Benefits of releasing tensions from the Facial Muscles
The face is our primary organ of emotional expression. When we want to see what a person is feeling, we look at their face. Overt trauma or stress sets itself in our facial muscles. Thinking about negative experiences of the past or imagining their recurrence in the future, restimulates these same muscular patterns. Even the act of repressing emotions so that other people will not see what we feel, leaves its traces - not only in the stiffness that we use as a mask, but also in the expression that we hoped to hide from the eyes of others.

After a while, we get so used to the patterns of tension, that we no longer notice them. People can go around with the same stress and strain in their face for 20, 30, or even 40 years without being aware of it. When they relax the physical and mental tensions it is fantastic.
By working on the connective tissue that encases the muscles, we create space for the muscles to relax. The muscles get more elastic and tone up. The face achieves a flexible, lively balance, shaping and stretching the skin towards the optimal, harmonious form.
Long Term Improvement of the Skin
The skin is divided into two layers. The epidermis is the outer layer made up of the skin cells themselves. The next layer is the dermis and this is made up of connective tissue. The blood vessels that carry the oxygen as well as the substances that feed the skin cells, are embedded in this connective tissue.

Tension in this connective tissue will tighten the areas around these blood vessels and cut down the flow of blood to the skin cells. Not only are they unable to get the nourishment they need, they are also unable to get rid of the waste products from cellular metabolism. The connective tissue of the skin itself is made up of living cells. These cells secrete collagen fibres which weave together to form a net-like structure. The cells also secrete the gelatin-like ground substance that fills the space between the fibres.
What we call ageing of the skin is primarily a stiffening of the gelatin of the ground substance. The chains of the molecules that make up the ground substance get bound together in long chains. The gelatin becomes hard and stiff. The skin of the face becomes less flexible. Lines and wrinkles become set. Furthermore, the hardening of the connective tissue of the skin can "glue" the skin to the layers below - to those connective tissues surrounding the muscles or the bones.
The special light touch of Rejuvanessence mobilises the body's own resources to release the molecular tension. Suddenly the ground substance becomes fluid again. This restores the vitality and mobility of the face. Layers that had been glued together become unstuck. The skin can slide freely above the deeper layers of muscle and bone. The unique quality of Rejuvanessence is the lasting effect on the connective tissue, which softens the skin, restores mobility to our expression and improves our complexion.
Improve the function of the jaw
The jawbone is moved by four major muscles on each side. If these are out of balance, people have tension on the joint, have problems chewing properly and grind their teeth when they sleep. In addition, if these muscles do not function properly in a balanced way, other muscles are used to compensate. Some of these muscles create double chins or unsightly rope-like folds in the skin of the throat.

Rejuvanessence will make you look better
Set expressions of anger, fear and sadness melt - leaving a more relaxed, joyful, satisfied expression. Lines, bags, sags and wrinkles diminish. The face becomes more flexible, responsive and youthful looking. The complexion improves noticeably, the texture of the skin becomes silky, the colour from increased circulation's shines through. The face shows more spontaneous expressions and looks more alive.

Rejuvanessence will make you feel better
The American psychologist William James asked the question - "Do we run because we are afraid, or are we afraid because we run?" In other words, is our body language the result of our emotions, or is our physical expression the cause of our feelings and mood? Conventional wisdom now has it that by changing our facial expression, we in fact key in different feelings. As a result of relaxing we have a more pleasant expression, send out different signals. People notice and treat us better accordingly.

Rejuvanessence will improve the breathing and function of the senses. Unnecessary tensions in the muscles around the nose and mouth have a noticeable and limiting effect on the breathing capacity. A smile will increase breathing capacity markedly. Sometimes people tell us that after their sessions, they see, hear and even taste things better.
Rejuvanessence brings symptom relief
Headaches, for example migraines, even those which have been chronic for many years often disappear during the course of the six sessions. The effects of scar tissue from accidents involving the face, scalp and neck can be minimised. Hard aching shoulders get soft and painless again and the nervous system is rebalanced. Rejuvanessence releases blockages in the body and helps your energies to flow again.

The toxic face
We all know what a toxic face is although we may not call it that. Bloated, unhealthy - above all unattractive, are the first words that come to mind. Toxicity reflects in the face in various ways and in different degrees. Bags under the eyes are the first sign. Deep lines around the mouth and grey, ageing skin also mark a toxic face - which incidentally has nothing whatever to do with mature healthy skin which can look wonderful at any age. Your kidneys, liver, intestines and even heart must all function to optimum capacity in order to be and look truly healthy. Yet these are the very organs that time and time again we place colossal strain on by overeating, drinking, smoking and piling on the stress. Such a lifestyle will build up toxins in the system, which are stored in fatty tissues in t
he body and face.


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