Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tai Chi


Tai Chi
Tai Chi Chuan is the ancient Chinese art of moving meditation. It is based on the Taoist understanding that all things comprise the harmony of two complementary forces - Yin and Yang.
With its distinctive grace and flowing movements, Tai Chi Chuan is becoming an increasingly popular form of relaxation in the West, as it provides an effective antidote to the stresses of our competitive society. Many people practise Tai Chi solely for its benefits to our health and as a means to relieve tension. However, as its name implies (Tai Chi Chuan translates as "supreme ultimate boxing") Tai Chi is also an effective martial art, and in the hands of a qualified master, is without equal. To achieve this level of understanding takes many years of dedicated study and practice, consequently it is not suitable for people whose sole concerns are self defence. 

Through the study of Tai Chi, we learn not to rely on external strength and hardness in order to overcome opponents and obstacles, but rather we apply principles such as the yielding overcoming the unyielding, the soft overcoming the hard. As the body gradually learns to soften and yield, the mind follows suit becoming more open and flexible. This increased openness and sensitivity, combined with the understanding of yielding and the ability to calmly focus one's attention in a spontaneous manner, leads to greater connection with the environment and the energy of others. A clearer perception of the "heart of the matter" develops - this, in turn, increases our ability to diffuse situations that might normally lead to open conflict.

Consistent and diligent practice will restore one's mind and spirit to its original state of integrity. Tai Chi reconnects the mind to the body; the conscious to the unconscious and the individual to his or her environment. It reveals the battle within ourselves and teaches, over time, a more appropriate and natural way of being.
Alex Maunder's mission statement:
"I facilitate energy transformation. I help organisations and individuals to see where their energy flow is blocked through self-limiting patterns of thought and behaviour and poor communication skills. When these blockages are removed the energy will flow effortlessly towards achieving a clearly perceived and visualised goal."
In Re-sourcing Personal Consultations, I teach a simple three-step approach to self-transformation which I have developed after years of research and practice.This is based on viewing the body as a map of the sub-conscious mind, and using changes in body posture and muscular release as a key to simultaneous shifts on the mental and emotional level.
In six sessions we will be training new capabilities, transforming blockages in key areas and rescripting certain limiting, sub-conscious habit patterns and assumptions.
I use the term re-sourcing because I believe that everyone has within them an infinite source of vitality, wisdom and creativity which can be contacted to provide inner guidance for living a successful, satisfying and balanced life.
I work with individuals and corporations to improve skills in the following areas: stress management, communication skills, collaborative problem solving, coping with change, facilitating creativity and bringing Alexander Technique into the workplace.


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