Monday, May 9, 2011

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1. In malaria, the product released by mosquito into blood that causes chill and fever, is called:
(a) Heamatin
(b) Schuffner’s dots
(c) Haemozoin
(d) Haemotoxin
Ans. (c)
2. In Amoeba, the contractile vacuole is present:
(a) Near the trailing end
(b) Near the advancing end
(c) At the middle of the body
(d) Any where inside the body
Ans. (a)
3. The trisomy for 21st chromosome is called:
(a) Down’s syndrome
(b) Turner’s syndrome
(c) Sickle cell anaemia
(d) Klinefelter’s syndrome
Ans. (a)
4. ‘Mammalian thymus’ is mainly concerned with:
(a) Regulation of body temperature
(b) Regulation of body growth
(c) Immunological functions
(d) Secretion of thyrotropin
Ans. (c)
5. Which of the following is the largest gland in an adult man?
(a) Thymus
(b) Liver
(c) Thyroid
(d) Pancreas
Ans. (b)
6. In Pheretima, septa are absent between which segments?
(a) 3/4 and 9/10
(b) 4/5 and 8/9
(c) 5/6 and 7/8
(d) 7/8 and 6/7
Ans. (a)
7. During emergency which of the following hormone is secreted?
(a) Aldosterone
(b) Thyroxine
(c) Adrenaline
(d) Calcitonin
Ans. (c)
8. In which of the following animals, respiration occurs without any respiratory organ?
(a) Frog
(b) Fish
(c) Cockroach
(d) Earthworm
Ans. (d)
9. In cockroach, larval and nymphal characters are maintained by:
(a) Ecdysone
(b) Salivary glands
(c) Parotid gland
(d) Juvenile hormone
Ans. (d)
10. Which of the following is a transparent tissue?
(a) Tendon
(b) Fibrous cartilage
(c) Hyaline cartilage
(d) All of these
Ans. (c)
11. Rh factor is present in:
(a) All vertebrates
(b) All mammals
(c) All reptiles
(d) Man and rhesus monkey only
Ans. (d)
12. In rabbit, end of a long bone is connected to another by:
(a) Tendon
(b) Ligaments
(c) Muscle
(d) Cartilage
Ans. (b)
13. Which of the following cell type is capable of giving rise to other cell types in sponges?
(a) Thesocytes
(b) Pinacocytes
(c) Cnidocytes
(d) Archaeocytes
Ans. (d)
14. Thigmotaxis is not shown by:
(a) Paramecium
(b) Amoeba
(c) Ascaris
(d) Hydra
Ans. (c)
15. Which is correctly matched?
(a) Apiculture—honey bee
(b) Pisciculture—silk moth
(c) Sericulture—fish
(d) Aquaculture—mosquito
Ans. (a)
16. Changes that allow the conversion of larva into adult, is called:
(a) Metagenesis
(b) Alternation
(c) Metamorphosis
(d) Metastasis
Ans. (c)
17. Which of the following is secreted by mast cell?
(a) Histamine
(b) Heparin
(c) Serotonin
(d) All of these
Ans. (d)
18. 5th cranial nerve of frog is called:
(a) Optic nerve
(b) Vagus
(c) Trigeminal
(d) Opthalmic
Ans. (c)
19. Animals having a built in thermostat to maintain constant body temperature are known as:
(a) biothermic
(b) poikilothermic
(c) oligothermic
(d) homeothermic
Ans. (d)
20. In earthworm, neurons are:
(a) Motor
(b) Associated
(c) Sensory
(d) All of these
Ans. (d)
21. In sex linkage, the specialty is:
(a) Atavism
(b) Criss-cross inheritance
(c) Reversion
(d) Gene flow
Ans. (b)
22. Vitamin-D is synthesized in skin by the action of sunlight on:
(a) Cholesterol
(b) 7-hydroxy cholesterol
(c) Cephalin cholesterol
(d) All of the above
Ans. (b)
23. The intermediate host of Schistosoma4s:
(a) Snail
(b) Mosquito
(c) Housefly
(d) Sheep
Ans. (a)
24. The islets of Langerhans are found in:
(a) Pancreas
(b) Stomach
(c) Liver
(d) Alimentary canal
Ans. (a)
25. In Klinefelter’s syndrome, the sex chromosome compliment is
(a) 22 A + XXY
(b) 22 A + XO
(c) 22 A + XY
(d) 22 A + XX
Ans. (a)


26. Lichen is the pioneer vegetation on which succession?
(a) Hydrosere
(b) Lithosere
(c) Psammosere
(d) Xerosere
Ans. (b)
27. Law of limiting factor was given by:
(a) Leibig
(b) Blackman
(c) Calvin
(d) Arnon
Ans. (b)
28. In Pinus, male cone bears a large number of:
(a) Ligules
(b) Anthers
(c) Micro-sporophylls
(d) Mega-sporophylls
Ans. (c)
29. Insectivorous plants grow in soil:
(a) Rich in nitrates
(b) Rich in phosphates
(c) Deficient in nitrates
(d) Rich in calcium
Ans. (c)
30. Induction of flowering by low temperature treatment is
(a) Vernalisation
(b) Cryobiology
(c) Photoperiodism
(d) Prunning
Ans. (a)
31. Decomposers are:
(a) autotrophs
(b) autoheterotrophs
(c) organotrophs
(d) heterotrophs
Ans. (c)
32. ‘Club moss’ belongs to:
(a) Algae
(b) Ptridophyta
(c) Fungi
(d) Bryophyta
Ans. (b)
33. Cleavage polyembryony occurs in:
(a) Pinus
(b) Mini Cycas
(c) Gycas
(d) Ephedra
Ans. (a)
34. Edible part of mushroom is:
(a) Basidiocarp
(b) Secondary mycelium
(c) Primary mycelium
(d) Tertiary mycelium
Ans. (a)
35. Which is the major crop in Asia?
(a) Rice
(b) Sugarcane
(c) Jowar
(d) Millet
Ans. (a)
36. Most nutritious among the following is:
(a) Wheat
(b) Maize
(c) Bajra
(d) Rice
Ans. (c)
37. Which of the following plant product is the hardest?
(a) Lignin
(b) Cutin
(c) Suberin
(d) Sporopollenin
Ans. (d)
38. ‘Ruminate endosperm’ is found in:
(a) Cruciferae
(b) Asteraceae
(c) Euphorbiaceae
(d) Annonaceae
Ans. (d)
39. Guttation is due to:
(a) Transpiration
(b) Root pressure
(c) Osmosis
(d) Diffusion
Ans. (b)
40. The following is used to get desired breed of plants.
(a) Tissue culture
(b) Genetic engineering
(c) Inbreeding
(d) Ikebana
Ans. (b)
41. For production of haploids, we culture:
(a) Shoot tip
(b) Anther
(c) Root tip
(d) None of these
Ans. (b)
42. Calyptra is derived from:
(a) Archegonia
(b) Capsule
(c) Antheridia
(d) Columella
Ans. (a)
43. Late blight of potato is caused by:
(a) Ustilago
(b) Pseudomonas
(c) Phytophthorc nfestans
(d) Colletotricum falcatum
Ans. (c)
44. ‘Clamp connection’ are observed in:
(a) Basidiomycetes
(b) Zygomycetes
(c) Ascomycetes
(d) Oomycetes
Ans. (a)
45. Leaf abscission is caused by:
(a) ABA
(b) cytokinin
(c) auxin
(d) gibberellin
Ans. (a)
46. What is the main cause for the extinction of some species in tropical forest?
(a) Deforestation
(b) Afforestation
(c) Pollution
(d) Soil erosion
Ans. (a)
47. Wilting of plant is due to:
(a) Blockage of phloem
(b) Blockage of xylem
(c) When some root and phloem are removed
(d) Tracheid is blocked
Ans. (b)
48. Most accepted theory for ascent of sap is:
(a) Capillarity theory
(b) Root pressure theory
(c) Pulsation theory
(d) Transpiration pull
Ans. (d)
49. Which enzyme converts glucose into alcohol?
(a) Zymase
(b) Diastase
(c) Invertase
(d) Lipase
Ans. (a)
50. Crop rotation helps in:
(a) Increase soil fertility
(b) Decrease soil erosion
(c) Decrease soil fertility
(d) Decrease water loss
Ans. (a)


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