Tuesday, May 17, 2011

English Comprehension Model test For ASRB jobs Assistants (Direct Recruitments) in ICAR


English Comprehension Model test For ASRB jobs Assistants (Direct Recruitments) in ICAR
Sample Questions English Comprehension for Assistants in ICAR
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the question that are gives below
Though the top leaders of the nationalist movement were the policy framers, the immediate day-to-day leadership was provided by the middle class intellectuals. The rural origin of the industrial labour force together with rampant illiteracy and their simplistic docility attracted social workers mainly drawn from the middle class intellectuals. they had an obvious advantage. Not being employees, the leaders were free from fear of victimization and immune from risks of leadership. Being generally well-educated, they had a better perspective and sense of organisation needed. They could see the issues in a broader context. They belonged to a higher social plane than the workers and with good education and intellectual development comparable to the best among employers, they could meet the employers on their own plane, and carry on negotiations on an equal footing. According to the Royal Commission on Labour in India, “the effect of this surge was enhanced by the political turmoil which added to the prevailing feelings of unrest and assisted to provide willing leaders of a trade union movement.” But, outside leadership had led to politicization of the movement.
Politicization of the labour movement in India has contributed both to its strength and its weakness. While economic hardship was present all along as a latent force, the major impetus for growth of Unionism was primarily provided by the major political currents, particularly movements for national independence. But for the zeal and the organizing ability which the leaders of the nationalist movement brought to bear upon the Indian Trade Union Movement, it would not have gained the dimensions and the position it had by 1909 within only a decade of its formal start.
1. Leadership to Trade Union was provided by the middle class intellectuals in India because
(a) they were the active participants in the nationalist movement
(b) they were the literates among the workers
(c) they were able to negotiate with employers on equal terms
(d) the workers did not want any one among the to be their leader
Ans. (c)
2. During the early years Trade Union Movement gained greater dimensions because
(a) the workers accepted outside leaders
(b) it started along with the independence movement
(c) the leaders were well educated with broad perspectives
(d) the leaders were devoted to the welfare of workers
Ans. (b)
3. Suggest a suitable title to the passage
(a) Trade Union Movement in India
(b) Royal Commission on Trade Union Movement
(c) Outside leadership to Trade Unions
(d) Negotiation with employers
Ans. (a)
4. What would be the reason for workers not coming forward to take up the leadership in Trade Union Movement in the early years?
(a) Lack of time
(b) Illiteracy
(c) Fear of victimization
(d) Risk in leadership
Ans. (b)
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that are given below
During the first decade of the movement, the All-India Trade Union Congress was dominated by the nationalist leaders, and consequently the dominant feature was the political goal of achieving freedom from foreign rule. However, ideological considerations soon invaded the area. Success of the Revolution in the U.S.S.R. encouraged the fellow- travellers in India to penetrate into the labour movement. They perceived just as the leaders of the nationalist movement did a decade ago a very powerful weapon in the proletarian movement which could substantially advance their objectives of leading the AITUC away from the I.L.O., from cooperation with the British Labour Party and forcing a split in the nationalist movement. Simultaneously, the leaders of the nationalist movement became more engrossed with their primary, objective of win-
fling national freedom, and it facilitated the Communist Party of India to secure a dominant position in the All-India Trade Union Congress towards the end of the twenties. Curiously enough, the hold of the Communist Party over the AITUC has remained unchanged since then, except for a brief spell when the nationalists rallied under the leadership of Subhas Chandra Bose in the eleventh session of the AITUC in 1931, and the Communist Group under the leadership of B.T. Randive and SV. Deshpande came out to form the All-India Red Trade Union Congress, even though there had been spells of flow and ebb in the position of the AITUC in the labour movement as a whole. The AITUC had been adapting its policy to the policies of the Communist party, the direction of whose policies was decided upon on the basis of the immediate goals and objectives of the world communist movement. This, as well as ideological and personal objectives of the leaders of the movement, had often led to spells of splits.
5. The Communist Party of India gained dominant position in the AITUC as a result of
(a) the influence of the success of the Russian Revolution
(b) the leaders in AITUC devoting much of their time for the national freedom movement
(c) the bringing in of ideological changes in the movement
(d) the AITUC relieving itself of its relationship with ILO
Ans. (a)
6. The AITUC broke its link with British Labour Party because
(a) the leaders joined the nationalist movement and were opposed to the British
(b) there was a split in the nationalist movement itself
(c) the proletarian movement was organized by the Communist Party
(d) All India Red Trade Union Congress was formed to compete with AITUC
Ans. (a)
7. There were flows and ebbs in the AITUC because
(a) the Communist Party entered in the Trade Union Movement
(b) there were no effective leadership continuity in the AITUC
(c) if broke its relationship with ILO
(d) new unions were started by people belonging to various political parties
Ans. (a)
8. The Communist Party continues to have its hold on AITUC
(a) from the beginning of the thirties
(b) since the Russian Revolution
(c) from the beginning of the Proletarian movement
(d) when AITUC lost its link with British Labour Party
Ans. (d)
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the following questions
The all girls’ school in Kharal, an isolated village in Haryana on the way to Patiala, is special because in an increasingly urban world where subjects like Sanskrit are considered an anachronism, Kanya Gurukul believes that tradition provides the best education. It has become the most sought after school among the lower-middle class—who earlier often ignored their daughters’ education—in Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and even in Nepal. Apart from earning the trust of parents, bringing about attitudinal changes is perhaps the Kanya Gurukul’s finest achievement since Swami Ratan Dev of the Arya Samaj took the first step in fighting the social bias against women’s education. However, some diverse opinions also exist. A father said, “I sent my daughter here not just to improve her grades, but also to save her from the hooligans in the buses.”
With education has come a transformation in the status of the girl child. “About 20 years ago the girls of Kharal and the adjoining villages were treated so shabbily that they were not even given a salwar to wear with the kameez.” The villages today get sons in-law from well-to-do families.
9. The all girls schools in Kharal is unique because
(a) It is an isolated village
(b) It imparts traditional learning
(c) The teaching of Sanskrit is avoided
(d) It is like an urban school
Ans. (B)
10. This school can be considered a successful venture as
(a) The girls find an open atmosphere here
(b) It caters to a wide area
(c) It has resulted in a changed outlook towards girls’ education
(d) The school was started in a traditional rural environment
Ans. (C)
11. As a residential institution it provides
(a) Protection from anti-social elements
(b) Traditional education
(c) Traditional social biases
(d) Opportunities for schooling
Ans. (D)
12. The school has helped to bring in
(a) Economic change
(b) Social change
(c) Change in family structure
(d) Change in village structure
Ans. (C)
Directions: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which is
NUMBERED. These NUMBERS are printed below the passage and against each, some words are suggested, one of which fits the blanks most appropriately. Select the appropriate words in each case.
Man has always considered himself to be the ruler of his planet. This . . . (13)… and the
attendant superiority feeling has made him look down . . . (14)… other creatures who co-exist with humans on this earth. The so called ‘civilized’ human race has . . . (15)…, and ill-treated small and large animal species to prove his . . .(16)…. It is common knowledge that in the name of scientific experiments . . . (17)… numbers of animals are tortured.
13. (A) pleasure
(B) fact
(C) force
(D) arrogance
Ans. (D)
14. (A) in
(B) upon
(C) with
(D) into
Ans. (B)
15. (A) criticized
(B) devalued
(C) protected
(D) enlarged
Ans. (B)
16. (A) supremacy
(B) wisdom
(C) cleverness
(D) instinct
Ans. (A)
17. (A) tall
(B) plenty
(C) countless
(D) diverse
Ans. (C)
Directions: Questions are given with blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four alternatives have been suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative.
18. You should adhere ……… your principles.
(A) on
(B) with
(C) to
(D) upon
Ans. (C)
19. If you had informed me, I …….. cautious.
(A) would be
(B) had been
(C) would have been
(D) could have been
Ans. (C)
20. It ……… since early morning.
(A) will rain
(B) is raining
(C) rained
(D) has been raining
Ans. (D)
21. ……….knowledge is a dangerous thing.
(A) Less
(B) Little
(C) A little
(D) The little
Ans. (C)
22. ……….large city Kanpur has become in ten years.
(A) What
(B) What a
(C) How
(D) How a
Ans. (B)
23. I shall not come ………. you need me.
(A) if not
(B) without
(C) except
(D) unless
Ans. (D)
24. He prayed that his brother ………. safely.
(A) arrived
(B) may arrive
(C) might arrive
(D) would arrive
Ans. (C)
25. I hate sitting ……… him as he always smells of garlic.
(A) along
(B) beside
(C) besides
(D) at
Ans. (B)
26. No sooner did he ring the bell ……….. a servant appeared at the door.
(A) when
(B) immediately
(C) as
(D) than
Ans. (D)
Directions: Identify the word EXACTLY OPPOSITE in MEANING to the given capital bold word.
(A) Developing
(B) Wonderful
(C) Disappearing
(D) Economical
Ans. (D)
(A) Misty
(B) Covered
(C) Clear
(D) Transport
Ans. (D)
(A) Disparage
(B) Slander
(C) Praise
(D) Purify
Ans. (C)
(A) Straightforward
(B) Easy
(C) Complex
(D) Plain
Ans. (B)
(A) Huge
(B) Clear
(C) Real
(D) Solid
Ans. (A)
Directions: Identify the word with correct spelling.
32. (A) Tariff
(B) Tarriff
(C) Tarif
(D) Tarrif
Ans. (A)
33. (A) Blisfull
(B) Blissful
(C) Blisful
(D) Blissfull
Ans. (B)
34. (A) Coruppt
(B) Curropt
(C) Corrupt
(D) Currupt
Ans. (C)
35. (A) Giraf
(B) Gerraffe
(C) Geraff
(D) Giraffe
Ans. (D)
36. (A) Alottee
(B) Allotee
(C) Alotte
(D) Allottee
Ans. (D)
Directions:Choose the most appropriate ‘one word substitute’ out of the four choices given under each.
37. A process involving too much official formality—
(A) Nepotism
(B) Red-tapism
(C) Diplomacy
(D) Bureaucracy
Ans. (B)
38. One who cannot die —
(A) Stable
(B) Perpetual
(C) Immortal
(D) Perennial
Ans. (C)
39. A person who looks to the dark side of things—
(A) Pessimist
(B) Optimist
(C) Optician
(D) Obstetrician
Ans. (A)
40. Words different in meaning but similar in sound—
(A) Synonym
(B) Antonym
(C) Acronym
(D) Homonym
Ans. (D)
41. An elderly unmarried women—
(A) Bachelor
(B) Spinster
(C) Adult
(D) Witch
Ans. (B)
Directions: Select the combination of numbers so that letters/words arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.
42. G T A E N M
1  2  3  4  5 6
(A) 1 3 2 5 4 6
(B) 1 3 2 6 4 5
(C) 6 3 5 1 4 2
(D) 6 3 1 5 4 2
Ans. (D)
43. D I F E R N
1  2 3 4 5  6
(A) 1 4 3 6 2 5
(B) 6 4 3 5 2 1
(C) 3 5 2 4 6 1
(D) 5 4 3 2 6 1
Ans. (C)
44. I P F L O C
1 2 3 4  5   6
(A) 1 4 3 5 2 6
(B) 2 5 4 1 6 3
(C) 3 5 4 1 2 6
(D) 4 5 1 2 3 6
Ans. (B)
45. R T A N U E
1  2  3  4  5 6
(A) 1 3 2 6 4 5
(B) 3 2 4 6 1 5
(C) 4 3 2 5 1 6
(D) 4 6 5 2 3 1
Ans. (C)
46. E T C K O P
1  2 3  4  5  6
(A) 3 1 4 5 6 2
(B) 6 5 3 4 1 2
(C) 2 1 6 5 3 4
(D) 4 1 2 3 5 6
Ans. (B)
Directions:: Select the correct alternative which best expresses them the meaning of the given Idiom/phrase—
47. Hobson’s choice—
(A) Feeling of insecurity
(B) Accept or leave the offer
(C) Feeling of strength
(D) Excellent choice
Ans. (B)
48. All a Gog—
(A) Everybody
(B) Already
(C) Restless
(D) Almighty
Ans. (C)
49. A pipe dream—
(A) A pleasant dream
(B) A bad dream
(C) An impracticable plan
(D) A foolish idea
Ans. (D)
50. Banker’s order—
(A) Allowance
(B) Twelve
(C) Standing order
(D) Compensation
Ans. (C)


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