Monday, May 9, 2011

IGNOU BEd Sample paper Subject Competence :Science


IGNOU BEd Sample paper Subject Competence :Science

IGNOU BEd Sample paper Subject Competence :Science
sample question paper or Entranct Test for admission to B.Ed Programme
IGNOU BEd Exam Model Paper for BEd Entrance Subject Competence :Science
1. ML2T2 is the dimensional formula of—
(A) Work done only
(B) Potential energy only
(C) Kinetic energy only
(D) All are correct
Ans. (D)
2. A car covers the first half of its distance between two places at a speed of 40 km/hour and the second half of the distance at the speed of 60 km/hour. The average speed of the car over the whole journey is then—
(A) 50 km/hour
(B) 48 km/hour
(C) 45 km/hour
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
3. The energy possessed by a wound watch spring is—
(A) Zero
(B) Kinetic
(C) Potential
(D) Both kinetic and potential
Ans. (C)
4. Two identical balls moving in opposite directions undergo a collision. The two stick
together. The combined mass is at rest. This collision is—
(A) Perfectly elastic
(B) Perfectly in elastic
(C) Partially elastic
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
5. A cylinder is moving down an inclined plane. Then its velocity of translation is—
(A) More when it slides without rolling
(B) More when it rolls without sliding
(C) Same when it slides without rolling or rolls without sliding
(D) Maximum when it slides as well as rolls
Ans. (B)
6. Two 1 kg mass, 1 meter apart will attract each other with a force of—
(A) 6.67 x l0 newton
(B) 6.67 x 10 newton
(C) 1 newton
(D) None of these
Ans. (A)
7. Two identical wires A and B of same length have their radii in the ratio of 2: 1. The ratio of stress produced in them under same
external force is—
(A) 2:1
(B) 1:2
(C) 1:4
(D) 4: 1
Ans. (C)
8. An example of Lewis acid is—
(A) AlCl3
(B) NaCl
(C) MgCl2
(D) SHCl4
Ans. (A)
9. In C + H2O —> CO+ H2; H2O acts as—
(A) Reducing agent
(B) Oxidizing agent
(C) Both reducing and oxidizing agent
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
10. An aqueous solution of methanol have vapour pressure—
(A) Equal to that of water
(B) Equal to that of methanol
(C) More than that of water
(D)) Less than that of water
Ans. (C)
11. A solution is which no more solute can be dissolved is known as—
(A) Saturated solution
(B) Unsaturated solution
(C) Supersaturated solution
(D) Dilute solution
Ans. (A)
12. Percentage of hydrogen is maximum in—
(A) CH4
(B) C2H4
(C) C6H6
(D) C2H6
Ans. (A)
13. The molar concentration of 32 gms of oxygen in 10 liters is—
(A) 3.2 mole per liter
(B) 3.2 gms per liter
(C) 0.10 mole per liter
(D) None of these
Ans. (C)
14. The ionic product of water will increase if—
(A) Pressure is decreased
(B) H + ions are added
(C) OH - ions are added
(D) Temperature is increased
Ans. (D)
15. What is Penicillium?
(A) Virus
(B) Algae
(C) Fungi
(D) Bacteria
Ans. (C)
16. Plants of Funaria are commonly known as—
(A) Thallose
(B) Foliose
(C) Thallose and foliose
(D) Terrestrial moss
Ans. (D)
17. Tapeworm has no digestive system because—
(A) It is parasite
(B) It lives in intestine
(C) It does not need food
(D) It absorbs its food from general body surface
Ans. (D)
18. Which of the following does not occur in loam soil?
(A) Chalk
(B) Clay
(C) Sand
(D) Slit
Ans. (A)
19. Function of stem is—
(A) Storage
(B) To produce branches and leaves
(C) Conduction
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)
20. Which of the following process keeps plant cool?
(A) Gastration
(B) Transpiration
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Translocation
Ans. (B)


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