Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Polarity Therapy


Polarity Therapy
Polarity TherapyPolarity Therapy is a holistic health care system which was founded by Randolph Stone whose understanding of the healing arts began with the study of Western medicine (Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Naturopathy ). He blended these with the wisdom of the Eastern healing modalities from which he began to understand how energy works. He brought together the healing worlds of the East and the West into a therapy based on the premise of pulsating fields of life energy made up of different frequencies. He believed that life was much more than chemistry and that healing was greater than freedom from symptoms. He saw life as a spiritual journey and healing as the total alignment with that journey.
The techniques used in polarity therapy are gentle and deep, and facilitate balancing the human energy field. This results in uncovering and releasing repetitive patterns which keep us from realising our true state of health and well-being.
Polarity Therapy is a comprehensive health care system developed by a doctor of Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Naturopathy, Dr Randolph Stone. He noticed that people repeat physical patterns and imbalances. This led him to explore the world of Energy which underlay these patterns. He evolved a synthesis of ancient and modern ideas, bringing together the wisdom of the East with the skills and understanding of the West. The techniques used in polarity therapy are both gentle and sophisticated, and work toward balancing the human energy field. This results in uncovering and releasing the repetitive patterns which keep us from realising our true state of health and well-being.

The therapy itself draws upon four therapeutic models:
 Non invasive bodywork which facilitates deep tissue release and the improved flow of energy
 Identifying patterns in our lives and growing awareness of the effects of our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.
 Gentle stretching exercises (based on Yoga postures) and breath awareness.
 Understanding nutrition and focusing on 'health building'.

When our thoughts, emotions, and physical body are out of alignment with the energy necessary to meet a life challenge, an energy imbalance results. These imbalances may appear as physical, mental or emotional pain and discomfort. Polarity teaches us that this pain and discomfort is a signal for us to learn, change, and realign our lives.

A Consultation
There are obviously many differences between practitioners and therefore treatments may vary from one person to another. Generally what one can expect to happen is:

 You will make an appointment, the duration of which lasts between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 min.
 The practitioner will spend some time taking case history notes (especially for the first session).
 Some time is spent sharing thoughts and feelings which enable the practitioner to assess your energetic system and life focus. This gives direction to the bodywork.
 Most bodywork can take place with the client fully-clothed. Loose, comfortable clothing is preferable. A client may be asked to undress to underwear in order to facilitate certain contacts.
 Usually the client will be asked to lie either prone or supine on a therapy table or futon.
 The body work itself consists of bi-polar holds with the practitioner using hand holds and finger pressure. These contacts vary from extremely light touch, to sometimes deep pressure and rocking.
 As tissue release, balancing and awareness take place, the client may experience a wide range of feelings that can bring tears or laughter, excitement or deep relaxation and peace.


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